Medication Reminders

From GrandCare Systems
Revision as of 21:59, 5 July 2012 by Kristin (talk | contribs)
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Medication Reminder


Your loved one can receive reminders to take medications right on the touchscreen of the GrandCare system. The reminder will include the name of each of the medications scheduled for this time, along with a picture, the dose, and instructions for how to take it. The reminders can be triggered at the start of a scheduled time period for a medication, or whenever your loved one opens a pill box that has been set up to work with the system.

Medication Options

Setting the Reminder Option

You can choose whether your loved one will receive medication reminders or not, and whether they will occur at scheduled times, or whenever a pill box open. You must add medication schedules to the system before reminders will begin. To set the Reminder Options:

  • Log in to GCManage
  • Open the Care Menu
  • Click the "Medication" button
  • Click the "Options" button
  • Adjust the slider to "Yes" for your loved one to receive medication reminders, or "No" for no reminders
  • Select "When dispenser accessed" if you want reminders to pop up whenever the pill dispenser is opened
  • Select "At scheduled time" if you want reminders to pop up whenever a medication is schedule to be taken
  • Click "Submit" to save your options