Logging In

From GrandCare Systems
Revision as of 17:38, 28 October 2014 by Ashley (talk | contribs)
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Log In for the Online Care Portal
Password Recovery for the Online Care Portal

Caregivers log into the Online Care Portal to interact with a resident's system. The Online Care Portal can be accessed from any Internet connected device.

Log In

Your Service Provider will give you a web address (URL) for logging in.

First Time Users: Account Activation

  1. Before logging in the first time, you will need to activate your User Account.
  2. An Account will be created for you by an Account Admin.
  3. After your user account has been created the system will send you a welcome email. This email will include a link to activate your User Account.
  4. Click the activation link and follow the instructions for setting up a password.
  5. Once you have logged in, read and accept the licensing agreement to use the Online Care Portal.
Note: The activation link will only be active for 48 hours
If you do not activate your user account within the 48-hour time frame, the link will expire. If that happens, follow the steps for a forgotten password.

Standard Log In

  1. Go to the web address (URL) given to you by your Provider.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Click "Log in".

Forgot Your Password?

Follow the steps below if you have forgotten your password, or your activation link has expiredː

  1. Click the "Forgot My Password" button on the Login Screen.
  2. Enter your email address.
  3. Click "Reset Password". The system will send you a new welcome email. This email will include a link to reset your password.
  4. Click the reset password link and follow the instructions for resetting your password.

GC-01-OUM-0017, Rev F